Thursday, September 16, 2010

Post 1# Presentation: Elena Gaspar

Before start writting in that blog i´m sure you want to know something more about people that make it posible. As a part of the group I will tell you something about me:

As it´s shown in the tittle my name is Elena Gaspar, i´m a advertising and public relation´s student at the university of Navarre, the city where i´m from. I have the luck to be born in Pamplona because is of general knowledge that UNAV is second to none when it comes to making the most of his students because it boasts personal assistance and a good education.

Let´s focus in my hobbies. I really love talking with people, making new friends so that´s the main reason of studing public relationships which i think will be very interesting for my proffesional carreer.

On account of this we have created artvertise, a blog which have the aim to talk about everything related to advertising and its effectiveness in society.

My personal contribution will focusses on the fashion word since it has been my passion. I wiil try to make the most of it.

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