Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nightlife Marketing

Last week a new product launched that promises to revolutionize online marketing for the nightlife and entertainment.  Creating your website with PromoterSuite.com is taking the first step toward taking back control of your website. No longer will you have to rely on web developers or designers to make every little update to your website.

We’re really excited about this product, especially since our blog focuses on online marketing for nightlife professionals!  We’ve done a review of the product and we have the scoop for you.  Here is what you need to know:

PromoterSuite includes robust features designed to make updating your website easy. With little to no HTML skills, you can build and edit the entire content of your website. Unlike other content management systems, PromoterSuite is built for search engine optimization (SEO). In addition to all of the standard features, PromoterSuite comes equipped with several SEO features as well.


PromoterSuite is a content-management system. It gives you control over the content of your website without requiring any knowledge of HTML. Easily add events, manage galleries and download guest lists. It’s easy to use, and – since they use the system to run their website, they’re confident in it.

They have a number of strategically planned websites that were developed for the nightlife and entertainment industry. The websites are ready to go LIVE, they just need to be customized to fit your company’s look & feel.

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