Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Analysis of some other blogs of the topic: Blogroll

Is marketing and communication the key to success? This is the question that I have always asked myself and, as I see it now, other people do. After reading and going through several marketing-related blogs, I have chosen some that write about the same topic we do: Wwwisibility, Markarina and Best Ads.

First of all, I must say that I liked wwwisibillity because of the informality of their posts. Wierd? May be, but while reading that blog you can know, from an informal and not theorical way, everything you want about social media and curious advertising. There are posts that talk about how to use Twitter, about the insights of Wordpress, or about the latest excentric advertising campaigns. Their founders are a spanish online-marketing company: Canal IP.

A curiosity that catched my attention is a post about General Motors and Facebook, which says that facebook will be integrated in new GM cars.

Markarina is a blog created by Javier Guardiola Contreras, and its objective is to comment notices, articles, videos and experiences about marketing. While surfing this blog, I have noticed that it focuses a lot on advertising and social trends. If you want to be actualized on marketing, you just have to check regularly this blog.

One example of the posts they put is the new warfare marketing that Schweppes has initiated.

I wanted to include another blog on this list, however, I just found this website about creative and ingenious advertisements. By clicking on a picture of an advertisment you can see the reason why the ad is made like that, the main target of the advertisment, the strategy that follows... I loved it! It's amazing how people can think about this ideas. The graphic ad of Imax is really well thought and very creative. It makes you realise how tiny you are, and makes you desire to go and watch tridimensional movies and documentals.

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