Sunday, October 24, 2010

Post # 4 - Podcast & Videoblogs

As time goes by, The world of Internet expands its horizons. Some years ago the information held in the web came totally from articles and images posted in the Internet. However, the new technologies and facilities that the online experience affords has revolutionized the way of gaining information by adding with video and audio. That is why Youtube has become such a useful tool. A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video?

When talking about podcasting we refer to the distribution of multimedia files by a re-diffusion system (RSS) that allows the user to download or instantly watch/listen to the information in a video or audio format. Commonly it is a person who updates his own videos of himself talking about an specific subject. Here we have some examples:

Sesión Cinéfila:
This one is related to the world of movies. In it we may find news and analysis of movies. In this case the author combines the videos with some descriptions.

This page is made up of a wide range of link which are connected to videos. Those links are listed so as to be clear the information you are looking for.

The videoblogs (or vlogs) are the evolution of blogs. In fact, they are galleries of video clips, ordered chronologically, which can be posted by several authors and, if the vlog allows it, by the users. Lets mention some examples of videoblogs related to my subject; advertising and movies:

Fast Forward:
This wonderful site is a youtube channel partnered with The Wharton School so as to "gather and provide quick perspective on managing the change in the marketing landscape".

It offers a wide range of videos on which marketing and advertising in the Internet is explained. It also shows some examples of it. So as to achieve its purpose, the author uploads several interviews with important professionals

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