Monday, November 1, 2010

Twitter wins 30 million users in the past two months

The co-founder of Twitter, Evan Williams, has revealed some interesting declarations to the New York Times about the increasing demand of Twitter accounts. The famous site of microblogging has now over 175 million users registered. This means that about 30 million users have signed up in the last two months, and that 70 million users come from last April.

This significates an enormous increase if we take in mind that there was a total of 58 million users in 2009 (and 503.000 three years ago). This is an increase over 200 per cent since 2009 to 2010 in terms of users. The tax of Twitter is growing every day and the company could end this year with over 200 million users.

The changes announced in September could have collaborated to this increase of users. On the other hand, in September, Williams said that the traffic in had increased about a 100% this year and he also reassured that an average of 370.000 new users registered every day.

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