Welcome to Artvertise! A new way of finding out the most fascinating aspects inside the world of Advertising.
http://www.tuenti.com/ |
Another important fact is that I come from Bilbao , but I have been living in several places such as Vitoria and Los Angeles. It was actually in California where I found out that the world of communication is so rich and useful. However, nowadays we are in need of new ideas. So it seems that I consider myself a creative person, not an Einstein or a Picasso, but someone with visual abilities.
About my preferences lets say I like great readings, philosophy and chocolate. Great readings, because you learn so much while you entertain yourself. Philosophy, because I have always questioned everything. And chocolate, because... it is chocolate, and everyone loves it. Nevertheless, I also play paddle, or at least I try.
http://www.pixar.com |
My paper
So, what specific field of advertising will I cover? The answer is "The success of advertising campaigns". i will show you how wonderful and original ideas had become the reason of success.
The Team
So as to make this post possible there's a group of people dedicated to fulfil your expectations. Let me introduce our group. Artvertise is made up by six students from the School of Communication at the University of Navarra, and each one of us is in charge of analysing one of the most interesting areas concerning advertising
The Team
So as to make this post possible there's a group of people dedicated to fulfil your expectations. Let me introduce our group. Artvertise is made up by six students from the School of Communication at the University of Navarra, and each one of us is in charge of analysing one of the most interesting areas concerning advertising
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