Monday, November 1, 2010

What have I learnt with this Blog? 10 Things

To start, I have to say It is the first time I've done a blog. I really enjoyed doing it. Mainly it is a tool to learn a way to express your ideas and to share them with others with periocity, which is very important, otherwise it gets boring and old.
Thanks to artvertise and the lessons of Multimedia Communication, I have improved my knowledge in this area and now I'm able to share ideas about a topic with other people. This allows me and everyone who reads and follow the blog a better knowledge of the theme.

I am going to point the 10 things I've learnt above all:

1. To use social websites as Delicious, Twitter and Blogger, as I have never used them before and some of them neither heard.
2. I have learnt to use RSS and to link some websites from the blog to the web. Hypertexting for example.
3. Use videoblogs and images in the blog has been something new which now is basic and very usefull.
4. I have learnt what a podcast is and what is it for.
5. Working in group it has been an important thing to point as with the help of each of us we managed to create this blog.
6. It also allows you to improve your knowledge not only in the area of your topic, also in your partners topics.
7. I have seen how important is a blog to spread an idea and information, and how useful it is.
8. I have been in touch with my English so I have practise this important language.
9. Doing the blog it has been a step to be more connected to communication, that is the most important thing in our degree.
10. Finally, I have seen how important and wide is the Internet area. For working, for socialize and for improving knowledge.

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