Monday, November 1, 2010

Analysis of 2 Podcasts and 2 Videoblogs

The word podcast is due to rising popularity to iPod and innovation on web feeds which provide updates whenever there is new content and through FeedBurner it is easier to recieve content updates in popular podcatchers. It is a rich media distributed via RSS. As the book "La revolución de los blogs" says, podcast means to audio recording our own posts when you have too much to write.
Fashion Marketing: As an example of poadcast about fashion marketing I have found an interview between a fashion designer and the creator of the brand UGLY 1 Clothing. It gives you some advices to do fashion marketing in and outside the internet. The host interview the founder of the brand.

Another example about a podcast of fashion advertising could be this one that I've founded in Fashiontribes.
It explains an interview between the interviewer (from People's magazine) and a makup artist and she says make up is a way to find what  you like and reveal it. She also points that most of women in Hollywood are wanting to look natural and realistic, letting their skin shine through and going for a minimalisticm natural look.

Talking now about Videoblogs, Wilkipedia defines them as an evolution of the blogs, as their main content is a video combinig it with supporting text, images and other metadata. It is a form of Internet Television, a very popular category in You Tube.

About a Fashion Designer...
There is a videoblog which is about a fashion designer which explains his experience as it and as a teacher. He points what fashion design is and how he would teach in this area, what he would explain, focuss... This also promotes him as a designer so it could be a way to advertise his brand and his collections or simply his courses about fashion design.

How important is for women the make up? and how affects to others?
Most of women think they can't live without make up. Maybe it is tru depending of everybody's likes, but I think there has to be a balance between with what you really are and what the make up makes you be. Sometimes with the make up we can look so different as what we are, and also with it we can express a different idea of us. That is why it is very important to do it correctly and in each situation according to it. This videoblog shows the steps to get a natural look with the make up. It is also advertising a brand.

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